Elsie Siemens 90th Birthday Party


My son Chris began this Web page as a tribute to Elsie Siemens 90th Birthday Party held at Bud and Nancy's home in Vacaville last year. The following pictures came from a number of friends and relatives who attended this gala event.

Before the page was completed and ready for the world, Elsie became ill, had a surgery and did not recover and passed on Friday, August 6, 1999. I asked Bud and Nancy if Chris could proceed and complete the page. They gave their consent so here it is...a tribute to a celebration of life and a great life it was, producing a wonderful family of sons, a daughter and many, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren! We hope you enjoy this - Rick

The memorial service will be held Saturday, 21 August at 3:00 p.m. at the Lancaster Methodist Church.


Here's the first set of kids!

...and their spouses


Me and the guest of honor!





...and their spouses





Gordon Siemens and family


Keith and Kathy Swords and family

John and his family

Bud and Nancy and his family

Dr. John's family and cousin

Vern and Carol

Paul and Eleanor


The guest of honor




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