
Like many families in Italy, the Fulvi's have a multifamily house, with son Alfredo's occupying the first floor, Luigi and Maria on the second floor and daughter Gisella and her family on the third.    Luigi's wife Antonina died in 1999 and Maria,  just retired as a occupational therapist in L'Aquila, is the woman in his life now and they are a great couple.

Son Alfredo is responsible for the daily operation of the general contracting firm FM Construction and Gisella is manager of the office.  Gisella's children are seen in the pictures below.   Alfredo and his family live most of the year in L'Aquila.  Daughter Ida operates general stores in Montreale and L'Aquila, where she and her husband make their home.

Each unit is self-contained and quite private.  A good size garden patch across the road and on their property produces great vegetables of all kinds and variety.  Luigi also has a henhouse down at the factory and has a stream of fresh eggs for the house.  The kids go to school in nearby (1 km.) Montreale.

Maria was an awesome cook!

Grandsons Stefano, 6 and Andrea, 9, ariving home from school.

Grandaughter Antonietta, 13.